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Make A Life-Changing Move and Live Your Dream


It is amazing how time flies… I have heard that throughout my life and it is all too true. Life passes so quickly, why not enjoy it whatever your age may be?

As you, I work extremely hard, and do not see that changing anytime soon. I had clients who were making life-changing moves, selling their large homes where they raised their families and opting for homes on the lake or at the beach. Some were commuting in to their offices, but quite a few were opting to work from home. In each conversation it was more about quality of life than quantity of things. Some were buying waterfront properties, others mountain get-aways or vacation properties where their families could gather. Each instance brought me closer to making my own life-changing move, which finally happened in 2013.  It has been an eye-opening experience. With the technology today, I have found that I can operate my business from anywhere and at a high level. I have talked with business owners who are operating their U.S. based companies from Europe, having amazing experiences, with young children in tow. Others have purchased gorgeous mountain properties and retro-fitted them with the newest technology for high-speed internet and amazing cell service, all while having unsurpassed views and the occasional wildlife encounter

What would ease your stress at the end of a long day? Where would your family be happiest? Start planning today. Be strategic. Enjoy beginning your day with a walk or jog on the beach. The beach is where I often answer morning emails and make phone calls to start my day. Enjoy a cup of coffee off your deck overlooking the mountains, with the cool wind blowing through the trees. It may be that you purchase a weekend retreat or vacation property you can lease out while you are not using it personally. There are a number of avenues that can be explored to provide projected rental incomes to potentially pay for your dream property.

Choose to de-stress and live longer. You, thank goodness, live in a country where you have the power to make your own life choices. Take the opportunity and make your life what you want it to be.

It is evening, and the normal business day is over, but I am enjoying writing this in my outdoor office…by the pool listening to the waves breaking on the shore…

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